A film adaptation of Marina Tsvetaeva’s poem “Alle” for Anatoly Bely’s project Cinematic Poetry.
The video stars People’s Artist of the Russian Federation Maria Mironova, who plays the role of the mother.
The director of photography for the film was Mikhail Krichman, with musical accompaniment by Anglo-German composer Greg Haines.
As a rule, there is a theatrical tradition of interpreting this Tsvetaeva poem as a mother’s insistence to her daughter, full of care, love and tenderness. We looked at it from a different angle, exposing the gulf between the mother and daughter and capturing the atmosphere of sadness and worry of a grown woman about her fleeting youth and beauty.
_This adaptation was screened in Los Angeles, recognized at numerous festivals in Russia and abroad, and was included in collections of poetic films by the The Film and Video Poetry Society in California and Bely’s Cinematic Poetry collection.