Клиент: Arifmetika dobra
Агентство: M.A.F.I.A.
“Turtles” is a work that was created alongside the Doctor Chekhov studio and producer Vladimir Bugaev, and began a series of socially oriented works as part of the Arithmetic of Kindess project.
Barely wriggling their way out of their eggs, tiny blind turtles instinctively try to get to water as far as possible.
All while devious birds begin their hunt.
Which of the turtles will make it to their aquatic salvation? It’s a question of circumstance, outside any understanding of Divine intent.
Little children, left without their children and robbed of any illusion of choice, are much the same, swallowed up by an unfriendly, sometimes aggressive environment from birth and forced to search for salvation within it, fighting for survival all alone.
The authorial message of the film is that a person can offer their financial or psychological help to young orphans, even if they’re not ready to take the serious and weighty step of adoption.
A person has the power to help a child “get to the water” by offering even occasional help, protecting them from attacks by “predators,” strengthening their spirit and giving them the joy of simple human communication as they grow and mature.