The film centers around a day in the life of a provincial orphanage for teenagers as it prepares for a visit from the city administration.
The charges have to perform in front of high-ranking officials, reading specially selected poems by Pushkin aloud so that the orphanage would be chosen for a “cultural education project to popularize classic authors.”
However, instead of memorizing the poems, the teens secretly organize a party, for which they are punished cruelly by the overseers of the orphanage.
The pressure mounts, but as we all know, a vessel under pressure is bound to explode …
“Open Your Mouth” was featured in the film market at Figari Festival in Sardinia and was also nominated as part of the 2020 Moscow International Film Festival and the Kinoshock festival.
The film was made in the tradition of the Moscow School of New Film, which made its indelible mark on the style of director Ivan Oganesov.