Клиент: агентство по страхованию вкладов (АСВ)
Агентство: Рамблер
Finoteka is an educational campaign created together with Rambler for Finoteka.ru . This is a major project by the Central Bank, developed to increase financial literacy among Russians and promote the Investment Insurance Agency. The project is designed to inform citizens of the processes behind financial insurance and the dangers that can result from working with unreliable banks.
This campaign lasted for a year and a half and featured 40 videos in three different formats, including “long story short.”
This was an educational web series about a group of friends that learn the inner workings of the financial system through their own mistakes. These are first-person mini-stories in which the characters explain how to save money and make it work for them.
This light, humorous format let us inform the younger generation about important financial processes in a clear, accessible way.